
Oct 22, 2010

Servants of the Light

By Aurélie van Duyse
 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth not.” Servants of the light bring light to others by loving and caring. We need those people because we as humans need light. And we can bring that light into other’s lives.
In our world today people every day are being a little bit more blinded, by the darkness and can’t see the light. They wake up every day and do pretty much the same thing. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, do what their boss tells them to do, come home, eat, and fall asleep in front of the TV. I’m not saying that all the grown ups in Canada and US are like that but most are. They are so”busy” that they stop seeing or caring about the natural beauty all around them and mostly see the superficial beauty. To them life is about getting more stuff and looking good, not “wow I love my life!” they some how lost their self esteem and that is when they stop feeling loved. They are so focused on themselves they don’t realize that some where out there somebody does love them.
Fighters of the light are people like Mother Theresa and Florence Nightingale. What they did was simple, love and care. Mother Theresa said, “We can not do great things only small things with great love.” Florence Nightingale showed love by doing for others (the sick, and the wounded) what they could not do for themselves. Scientists have proven that if you do not show love to a baby it will not live past the age of one. Love is that important, it’s something you can’t live without.
So what can you do about this? Well for one thing you don’t have to move to the slums in India or visit a hospital to make a difference all you have to do is look around. There are all sorts of people every where. Start by the ones you know don’t have a lot of self esteem, the ones that are the least popular at your school. All you have to do is say hi to them in the hallway and it will make their day. Or even better sit with them during lunch. They start to feel appreciated. And start to see that life is good.
Spread the light and the joy. Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We can make a difference if we act now.  Be a servant of the light.

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